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  • Here are a few useful words when you play :

    Throw the dice ! = roll the dice !

    Move forward     or      move backward

    Skip your turn...sorry you 'll have to be patient and wait !

    It's your turn!

    Take a card !

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  • Super Mario Bros


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    Super Mario Bros.


    1 Presentation

    2 Gameplay

    2.1 Items

    2.2 Enemies


    1 Presentation

    Super Mario Bros. is a game created and developped by Nintendo. This game was released for the first time in 1985. The principle of the game is very simple : A plumber named Mario must save the princess Peach from Bowser, Mario's antagonist.

    2 Gameplay


    2.1 Items

    Mushroom :

    Super Mario Bros

    This is a red mushroom with white circles. Mario will become bigger if he eats it.

    Fire flower :

    Super Mario Bros

    This is an orange, yellow and white-circled flower with eyes. Mario will throw fireballs if he takes it.

    Leaf :

    Super Mario Bros

    This autumn leaf will turn Mario into a racoon, which will give him the ability to fly.


    Tanooki suit :

    This suit will turn Mario into a tanooki(thanks Wikipedia ), which will give him the ability to fly and turn into a statue.

    Frog suit :





    This suit will turn Mario into a frog. After, the plumber will be able to swim more easily but he will have to  jump to move forward.


    Hammer bro. suit :






    This suit will turn Mario into a hammer bro. Mario will be able to throw hammers.

    2.2 Enemies

     Goomba :

    It looks like a brown mushroom with feets. Mario can beat him if he stomps him.

    Koppa :

    It looks like a turtle with green/red shell. If the plumber stomps him, the koppa will return into his shell and Mario will be able to shoot the shell like a soccer ball.

    Cheep-cheep :

    It looks like a red fish.

    Hammer brother :

    It looks like a koppa but it can throw hammers and it can't return into his shell.

    Bowser :

    It's the Mario's antagonist it's the koopa's boss. It looks like the biggest koopa, he have a spiked shell and it can spit fire.

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  • Petit rappel pour faire un récit au passé...il vous faut utiliser le preterit...


    Pour conjuguer:


    Forme affirmative: Sujet + verbe régulier +-ed

    He wanted to write an article but last time he was too tired to do.


    Forme interrogative : DID +sujet + Base Verbale?

     Did he find the topic of his article?


    Forme négative: Sujet + didn't + Base Verbale

    For our Christmas, we didn't see Santa Claus.


    Attention le verbe BE a sa propre conjugaison

    I was                           I wasn't

    You  were                    You weren't

    He was                        He wasn't

    She was                      She wasn't

    We were                     We weren't

    You were                     You weren't

    They were




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  • --->terraria.odt<---

    Click on the link plz :D!

    Lolo1313 : The problem will be solved VERY soon.

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